Danger – Bridge Out Ahead

Do you see that? The big plume of smoke rising from the bottom of the canyon, up, up, up. All the way up to our vantage point where it drifts past the jagged boards where the bridge ends. See it curl around the signs painted in red, “DANGER – BRIDGE OUT AHEAD”?
We’d like to prevent your business from being the cause of that plume of smoke because your decades-old accounting software crashed and burned through all the warning signs.
CMS Pro is no longer supported by Cougar Mountain Software.
Progress doesn’t stand still. The fact that the product we introduced over 20 years ago still functions and contributes to so many successful organizations gives us no small amount of satisfaction. But when it’s compared to contemporary industry standards for capability and convenience, CMS Pro is just a fast horse racing against ever-more innovative vehicles.
As of September 1, 2017, CMS Pro reached its end of life. This is a normal and expected phase of any software’s existence. The best parts of the program were carried over into the next generation, contributing to a never-ending cycle of improvement.
The next incarnation of CMS Pro is Denali. And, to ease any fear of the unknown, let us assure you that Denali has a long, well-vetted track record. It’s been on the market for 12 years and has been carefully refined to its current status as a lightning fast, well-organized accounting powerhouse.
Don’t worry; you’ll know how to operate it intuitively. The system includes a UI option wherein the navigation and layout mirrors the look of CMS Pro.
We understand you might be reluctant to abandon an accounting software that’s worked for you all these years. Especially because it is STILL working, and your business is zipping along just fine. The hiccup is, up until this point, you’ve enjoyed a safety net of customer support standing by to help answer your questions.
But now that our support has ended, there’s no longer a safety net when that “Danger” sign comes into view.
Very old cars might still run, but they’re less efficient, not as safe, and don’t have the new features and conveniences of modern technology. The same is true of Cougar Mountain Software’s CMS Pro.
If you are concerned about downtime, remember…You and your employees are used to how CMS Pro is set up for your business. Upgrading to Denali will allow you to keep that same setup; there won’t be much of a learning curve of discovering where to click in every window and how to complete tasks that you’ve been doing automatically for years. It’s stressful to change something that has become the backbone of office life. Let us make this change as easy as possible for you.
As mentioned above, Denali can be configured to display in “Classic mode” which changes the interface to look and function exactly like CMS Pro.
Even though it will look almost identical, you’ll have a few new tricks to learn. Cougar Mountain Software offers both online and on-site training for Denali software. We’re happy to guide you through the transition from old to new.
Many clients find they need less than a weekend to convert from CMS Pro to Denali, and only one day of training before they can hit the ground running. Businesses barely register the interruption, but they do notice the increase in performance and software capabilities.
Or ask an expert to explain the timeline you can expect when switching HERE.
Don’t wake up in the driver’s seat as your software careens over the cliff. Heed the danger signs. Let us help you make the transition from CMS Pro to Denali before it’s too late.