The Benefits of Split Payments and Third-Party Billing

Have you ever noticed the eye roll when you ask for a split check at a restaurant? You’re having a great time with your friends and the wait staff is doing a great job, and when you ask to split the check the server’s demeanor instantly goes icy. It’s because split checks are a hassle. But split checks are part of doing business, any business. Beyond the restaurant world, third-party billing and split payments are a headache every accountant faces whether it’s between providers and insurers in the medical profession, or multiple donors in the nonprofit sector. Virtually every business will confront a third-party billing or split payment inquiry at some point. Denali and Denali Fund accounting software make it easy to answer those requests with an enthusiastic “YES!”
Denali offers a one-of-a-kind solution to the third-party billing and payment dilemma that is unmatched by other accounting software providers. In today’s business world, third-party billing and split payment capabilities are non-negotiable items for accountants—they are simply a way of life! Cougar Mountain Software’s Denali allows users to intuitively split billings and payments, and then reconcile them without creating headaches. In fact, third-party billing and split payments in Denali and Denali Fund are as simple as adding a payer and assigning them to the billing item. One of accounting’s perpetual puzzles is easily solved by deploying Denali or Denali Fund within your organization.
Consider common medical or dental scenarios where billing and payments need to be split between patients and insurance providers, or medical equipment rental where the payments will be split between practice groups, patients, and insurers. Through Denali’s award-winning software, identifying, assigning, and billing these different payers is as easy as clicking through a series of tabs. Not only does this make third-party payments a breeze, you can also generate third-party invoices with ease.
Denali can handle even the most complex third-party billing and split payments scenarios. Nonprofits have fundraising auctions that involve multiple bidders and groups of bidders. Denali Fund makes it easy to assign the amounts that were bid, split them among groups of bidders, and produce easy-to-read invoices for all involved. Once the payer information is loaded into the software, you can add payers to an invoice and make sure that your nonprofit isn’t faced with confusing group payments. Denali’s third-party billing and split payment system allows for multiple payment options, such as when a nonprofit receives a donated portion of a service or product and then pays a partial or discounted rate.
Invoicing is a snap with Denali and Denali Fund. Everyone has confronted confusing invoices that create more questions than answers, but Denali and Denali Fund allow users to generate clear, easy-to-read invoices automatically. Third-party billing and split payment invoices are delivered in simple formatting that identifies the invoiced item, the payer, and the amount paid by each payer. And if you are an organization that requires customized invoices, Denali and Denali Fund puts that option at your fingertips as well.
For accountants, third-party payments and split billing are a way of life. Instead of an eye roll and a headache, Denali Business and Denali Fund’s accounting software allows for seamless third-party billing, addition of multiple payers, and crystal clear invoicing. If your organization is struggling with third-party billing or split payments, or you want to take your organization to the leading edge of accounting software, Denali and Denali Fund are the solutions to your everyday accounting needs. Third-party billing and payments are how deals get closed and Denali has cured the headache!