Why It’s Time Nonprofits Started Working Remotely

The workplace doesn’t look like it once did. Instead of suits and dresses, or even casual slacks and button-down shirts, it’s now pajamas and sweatpants. Yes, the world is transitioning out of the office and into the home. Some people view this negatively while others are warmly embracing it. One thing everyone can agree upon is not dealing with traffic is a huge bonus.
While working from home was once seen as unconventional, businesses have been coming around to it and the results have been positive. Since nonprofits are on the frontline of cost cutting and working from small budgets, you might want to start contemplating whether you should switch as well. Here are some of the best reasons why working remotely is better for your organization!
Easier to Retain Employees
Nothing hurts an organization more than a high turnover rate. According to a study done by Owl Labs, remote employees are far more likely to stay at their job for the next 5 years than on-site employees. They are more willing to take a pay deduction too. For a nonprofit that can’t compete with the wages other organizations are offering, this is an opportunity to offer something your competitors won’t.
Cut Overhead Costs by 40-50%
Small costs like toilet paper, paper towels, and coffee, combined with larger costs like water and heating, add up over time. Without those costs, you can free up revenue to be used elsewhere, maybe even increase your nonprofit’s outreach.
Employees are More Productive
With fewer interruptions, meetings, and small talk, employees are free to get more done at home. Some people assume that if someone isn’t there to watch over their employees, nothing will get done. While that might be true for some, the results don’t show that. By having the option to work from home, employees are much more likely to prove they deserve that ability and will go to great lengths to ensure their work is completed in a timely and professional manner.
Reduce Stress
There’s no doubt that employees are much happier when they get to work from home. No longer having to deal with traffic, the pressure of being on time, or office politics, all adds up to a healthier lifestyle.
Collaborate at Coffee Shops or Different Locations
Apps such as Skype and WhatsApp have made communication more accessible than ever. However, if your team needs to meet up to collaborate, what’s better than a coffee shop, or–if you’re willing to break conventions–a brewery? Staying in the office can be stale and repetitive. Going somewhere new can be fun and allow people to open up and be more creative.
More Time for Employees
Without that tiring commute every morning, employees don’t have to waste an hour or more of their own time getting to and from work. Plus, there’s the added stress of making it on-time when there’s a car accident or traffic is busy. Instead, employees have immediate access to their work and can be ready to go in a second, while getting more time for themselves.
Less Vacation Time
When you’re in a cubicle all day, surrounded by coworkers and your boss, it’s easy to dream about being on a beach somewhere in Hawaii. Catching a break from the workplace is what we fantasize about; whereas, being in the comforts of your own home is less imposing and more relaxing. Also, if employees travel, they can remote in wherever they are so the workplace is never more than a minute away.
Build Trust with Your Employees
You might be hesitant to allow people to work from home at first. But, if you trust your employees enough to let them work from home, they will take that to heart. This shows that you respect them and appreciate their hard work and dedication. That’s not something that goes over lightly with employees.
Employees Won’t Call In Sick as Much
Some days, getting out of bed is just flat-out impossible. Some of us push through while others need that extra hour of sleep and call in sick. Either way, it’s much easier to make it into the office if all you have to do is open up a laptop rather than force yourself.
Go Green
For those of us who are more environmentally conscious, another benefit is that working remotely is better for the environment. Not only do you and your employees cut down on carbon emissions, but you can save that gas money for buying other things while being more eco-friendly.
Whether you’re on board with telecommuting or not, you can’t overlook the benefits, especially if it’s going to save your nonprofit money that can be used elsewhere. If you’re hesitant to let your employees work from home, a compromise could be to require them to work a couple days at the office. But, if you want to retain your employees, cut down on costs, drive up your productivity, and allow for a better work-life balance for your employees, then you might want to consider letting them work remotely.